The web is like fashion week in Paris; if you’re not paying close attention, you could end up with a website that is suddenly SOOO last November.
As technology continues to develop at a break-neck tempo, website trends tend to evolve quickly, and if you haven’t been focused on it in the past few weeks, months or even years, you might find yourself with a site that is dated.
Before you panic, remember that your website is a living document. Once it exists, it’s easy for a knowledgeable digital marketing consultant to spruce it up and get it back in style. With that said, here are some hot 2019 website trends you may want to investigate if you decide to give your web page a makeover this year.
Sites are getting sleeker, faster, and more media content-rich
Consider your own browsing behavior; how long are you willing to wait for a slow web page to load before you move on to the next google search result? According to one resource, the average user only allows two seconds for a page to load before moving on to the next one. That’s not very long to make an impression, which means speed should be a point of emphasis for your re-design. Apart from quickness, websites are trending toward a cleaner, less cluttered look in general. In digital marketing we call this minimalism, but it should not be confused with the minimalist lifestyle; this website trend does not mean your site should contain less content. Rather, you want your pages to be well balanced, clean and organized to make your site seem less daunting to browse. Finally, while written content still absolutely has its place, current website trends indicate that video content is in higher demand for website users and is a great addition for any website makeover.
A trendy website plays well with technology
If you don’t know the expression Mobile First, learn it. In terms of bringing your website up to modern expectations, having a platform that includes an app or a mobile format is not only important, it’s imperative. In fact, in 2018 Google listed mobile compatibility as one of the top factors for ranking websites in its search results, meaning that to be discovered, your site needs to play well with modern technology. Moreover, mobile phone searches have eclipsed conventional computer searches, meaning that most people are now looking for you on their devices. Remember that people don’t wait long for a page to load, so if your site is not tech compatible, you should have some sense of urgency about getting it operating efficiently on a mobile platform.
Sir/Ms., do you need help finding anything?
Remember when you used to walk into a department store and an annoying retail salesperson would follow you around asking you this question? In a manner of speaking, that salesperson is back by popular demand, only in an automated, digital format. Chatbots are all the rage for business websites, because they can mange a volume of general questions and tips, while securing leads or more in-depth questions to yourself or your live sales team. This technology is not only popular for business-owners, however; data indicates that consumers respond favorably to chatbots, appreciating the offer of assistance and the (ironically) personal touch.